
?What is symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD

?What is symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD

SPD is a phenomenon caused by the loosening of ligaments connecting the pelvic bones. This loosening is the result of an increase in hormones (such as progesterone and relaxin) that prepare the body for birth. The phenomenon manifests itself in pelvic, hip and groin pain among pregnant and postpartum women. So how do you know if you suffer from SPD yourself and how can the condition be treated?

Sleep disorders in pregnancy

Sleep disorders in pregnancy

The nine months of pregnancy are considered a particularly exciting period but also full of challenges, especially in the physiological aspect. Your body goes through many changes that give their signals more than once and appear in the form of various side effects. From heartburn and exhaustion to muscle cramps. One of the most prominent symptoms during pregnancy is insomnia and sleep disorders caused by various reasons. Here are some of the reasons for this:

Pregnancy hormones and their effect on pregnancy moods

Pregnancy hormones and their effect on pregnancy moods

It all starts with progesterone and estrogen that accompanies us since before pregnancy. The level of these hormones rises before ovulation to prepare a "good substrate" for fertilization (there is an opinion that progesterone even helps the sperm cells to reach the egg, and serves as a "motion guide" for them). After successful fertilization, progesterone and estrogen continue their important roles in pregnancy, such as: thickening of the endometrium, development of the fetus and protection of the fetus, and finally are also responsible for the production of breast milk before birth. And along with all the good that hormones do, the presence of high levels of them in the body has a very long list of side effects, one of which is sharp changes in mood, and we have absolutely no ability to prevent it.



